Monday, 13 October 2014

Lazy days, Rivermouth stills

1. The Rivermouth looking towards the surf break.
2. Dig dig digging. No matter how old they get, the boys love playing in the sand. 
3. Testing the water, refreshingly chilly.
4. Junior Hoges takes a break whilst Turbo digs out a moat. 
5. Baby P enjoys the texture of beach sand on her feet for the first time.
6. Building a sandcastle up the side of a rock, cooperating together.

The last day of school holidays meant sleeping in, scrambled eggs for breakfast, coffee and an adventure down at the Rivermouth. The sun was shining a warm 22 degrees and the sky a brilliant blue. I've loved having the boys home and they have learnt to enjoy each other's company with minimal fuss and fighting. 

May you have a super week, 

Nic Nurtures

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